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Neuroscience Center Zurich



What is the difference between Track I and Track II?

Track I => Application through the LSZGS online application system.

Track II => Applying directly and bilaterally to a research group leader.

I am a Track 1 student. Which form must I complete?

Fill out the registration form (PDF, 2 MB) for the ZNZ PhD Program  (for all students).

Please send the completed form via Email to
We do not need the original paper form.

I am a Track II student. Which forms must I complete?

a) Fill out the registration form (PDF, 2 MB) for the ZNZ PhD Program  (for all students).
b) Provide proof of admission: admission interview protocol (DOC, 79 KB)

Please send the completed forms via email to
We do not need the original paper forms.

Must I note the names of the second and third thesis committee member on the “ZNZ Registration Form” before I submit it?

No. However you must send an email with this information within six months after your start date (the day you started working on your thesis).

I do not know my thesis title yet. Do I have to write this on the "ZNZ Registration Form" before I submit it?

No. However you must send  this information  within six months after your start date (the day you started working on your thesis).

Do I also have to matriculate at the ETH or UZH, in addition to the ZNZ registration?

Yes, absolutely, this is VERY important! 

Your supervisor’s group will deal with your employment contract and the necessary HR and visa formalities but it is your responsibility to register in parallel as a PhD student at either UZH or ETH. Permits for foreign PhD students are linked to the registration at a Swiss university, students should therefore start the registration process early on.

I am confused about which rules apply regarding the thesis committee members. The ZNZ requires at least one ZNZ PI, my faculty/department seem to have other additional rules. Which rules apply?

You need to make sure that the guidelines of the corresponding UZH faculties and ETH departments are respected in addition to the ZNZ regulations.

For example, the Faculty of Science (UZH) requires that two members must have the right to promote in their faculty. Rules from various other faculties/departments are listed here:


How do I register for the "Introductory Courses in Neuroscience" and for the mandatory exams of these courses ?

There is no registration needed for the ZNZ Introductory Courses in Neuroscience. The same applies for the exams  of these two courses.  Course slides and videos are uploaded into OLAT, please register under "Einschreibung", and click on "enrol": The link to OLAT is here.

When are the exams of the introductory courses in neuroscience scheduled?

The exams usually take place on Monday afternoon of the last lecture-free week, i.e the part I (fall) exam in February in the week before lectures start and part II (spring) correspondingly in September in the week before lectures start. Link for more details about the exams:


How do I register for the other ZNZ courses and the "ZNZ PhD retreat"?

For the three ZNZ courses mentioned below and for the ZNZ PhD retreat we will send you an email with registration links in the springtime. It is not possible to register to these courses before the invitation email has been sent out. Please bear in mind that we register on a "first-come, first serve basis":

  • Course in Science Ethics for Cancer Biologists and Neuroscientists (1 ECTS credit)
  • Crash Couse in Statistics (2 ECTS credits)
  • Writing for Neuroscientists (1.5 ECTS credits)


How do I register for other courses that are not organized by the ZNZ?

Please look in the course description for the course coordinator and contact him/her directly for further details.


Where do I upload my thesis proposal and annual reports?

MNF students
Within 12 months after your start date (the date you officially started working with your PhD project/the start date of your work contract), you need to set up a meeting with your thesis committee members. In this meeting, you will discuss your thesis proposal, which needs to be dated and signed by all thesis committee members. We recommend that you send your thesis committee members your thesis proposal two weeks before the meeting, to give them enough time to prepare for the meeting.
Please upload your signed (by all committee members) and dated thesis proposal (electronic signatures are ok) under the milestone "Committee Meeting 1" in Student Admin The thesis report requirements are described on our website:

Yearly reports: You must organize meetings on a yearly basis until you are ready for the thesis defense. Within one year after the date on your thesis proposal, you must meet again with your thesis committee (discussion about the progress of your PhD project) and you must upload the signed (by all committee members) and dated "Thesis Meeting Report Form" ( into the corresponding "Committee meeting 2" tab in Student Admin.
In the third year you must upload the next “Thesis Meeting Report Forrm” under the milestone “Committee meeting 3”.

If your start date in Student Admin is wrong, you can write an email to Cornelia Schmid at MNF and ask her to change the date. The start date is the date when you actually started working on your PhD project according to your work-contract.

UZH Psychology students
Within 12 months after your start date (the date you officially started working with your PhD project/the start date of your work contract) you need to set up a meeting with your thesis committee members. In this meeting, you will discuss your thesis proposal, which needs to be dated and signed by all thesis committee members. We recommend that you send your thesis committee members your thesis proposal two weeks before the meeting, to give them enough time to prepare for the meeting.
Please upload your signed (by all committee members) and dated thesis proposal (electronic signatures are ok) into your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder. 
It is your responsibility to upload your reports on time. Incomplete, not dated or un-signed reports will be considered invalid/incomplete.

The thesis report requirements are described on our website:

Yearly reports: You must organize meetings on a yearly basis until you are ready for the thesis defense. Within one year after the date on your thesis proposal, you must meet again with your thesis committee (discussion about the progress of your PhD project) and you must upload the signed (by all committee members) and dated "Thesis Meeting Report Form" ( into your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder.

ETH students
Within 12 months after your start date (the date you officially started working with your PhD project/the start date of your work contract), you must upload your signed and dated  thesis proposal into your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder. The same research project that you defended in your aptitude colloquium (one year after your started working on your ETH  PhD project) can be used as your thesis proposal.
It is your responsibility to upload your reports on time. Incomplete, not dated or un-signed reports will be considered invalid/incomplete.

Yearly reports: You must organize meetings on a yearly basis until you are ready for the thesis defense. Within one year after the date on your thesis proposal, you must have met again with your thesis committee (discussion about the progress of your PhD project) and you must upload the signed (by all committee members) and dated  (electronic signatures are ok) "Thesis Meeting Report Form": ( into your personal ZNZ OneDrive Folder.

Is it possible to postpone the deadline for my thesis proposal or annual report?

If you have a good reason to apply for an extension of your deadline, we need you to write the request with the reason for the delay before the deadline per email to


What are the general ZNZ rules about getting ECTS points granted?

Where do I upload my course certificates?

ETH and UZH Psychology students =>  you need to upload your course certificates and ECTS credit documentation into your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder.

MNF Students (Faculty of Science) => You can upload all your course certificates under the milestone "Coursework" in "Student Admin". Please do not submit this milestone until ALL your credits have been uploaded!

How do I get a ZNZ confirmation of my credits, in order to set a date for my defense?

ETH and UZH Psychology students =>  you need to upload all course certificates and ECTS credit documentation into your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder. Then send an email to - and ask for a ZNZ confirmation of all your credits.

MNF Students (Faculty of Science) => Please upload all your course certificates under the milestone "Coursework" in "Student Admin". After ALL your course certificates are uploaded, you need to send an email to in order for us to approve the credits.

How do I know if the external course I want to attend will be acknowledged by the program?

External courses with confirmed ECTS credit points signed by the lecturer or the organizer will be considered case by case. If you do not have any written confirmation of the ECTS credits you need to acquire this yourself from the lecturer and send it to us. We cannot approve any credits without this confirmation.

My UZH/ETH transcript includes the note “not an official document” just under the title. I do not have any other proof of my ECTS credits for this course/these courses. What can I do?

You have three choices:

  1. Have this "transcript of records" document signed and dated by your supervisor, with his/her name added in block letters. Upload to Student Admin (MNF students) or your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder (other students)  and send an email to when you need the ZNZ confirmation of your ECTS credit points.
  2. Organize specific course certificates for each course you want to have recognized by ZNZ (with written confirmation of the ECTS points), upload to Student Admin (MNF Students) or your OneDrive folder (other students) and send an email to when you need the ZNZ confirmation of your ECTS credit points.
  3. Wait for the final official UZH/ETH transcript (normally available at the end of the semester), upload to Student Admin or your ZNZ Onedrive folder and send an email to when you need the ZNZ confirmation of your ECTS credit points.

I am also a member of an additional PhD program. How do I get my ZNZ credit point confirmation?

Important note for members of additional PhD programs such as psychology students (Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences) and MD PhD students:

One course can only be credited once, either to the ZNZ PhD program or to your other PhD program. It is not allowed to use one course to obtain credits twice (in two PhD programs).

At the end of your studies, in order for ZNZ to issue an official credit point confirmation, ZNZ needs the official ECTS credit point confirmation from your "other" PhD program in order to cross-check that no course will be credited twice. Please send this confirmation by email to


Student Admin milestones - who can help?

The following three milestones below need ZNZ approval, please send an email to if you have any further questions not already answered on our website or in our FAQ's:

  • Doctoral agreement => DEADLINE 6 MONTHS after your start! For added explanations (by M. Kaufmann, Coordinator EB PhD program) regarding the mandatory document "Pflichtenheft Form": please click here. (DOCX, 57 KB)
  • Committee Meeting 1 => Here you must upload your signed and dated
    Thesis Proposal.
  • Committee Meeting 2, 3 and (if necessary) 4 => Here you must upload your signed and dated "Thesis Meeting Report Form"
  • Course work => Please DO NOT SUBMIT unless you have completed ALL your courses.

    Other milestones:
  • PhD Committee => needs approval by MNF, for questions please contact Cornelia Schmid, email ""
  • Teaching Plan  => needs approval by MNF, Sabine Jacob, email
  • Registration for graduation => please send all questions regarding this process to Cornelia Schmid, email ""



Who do I contact with any questions regarding the context/format of my thesis and about organizing my defense?

Please check directly with your supervisor and the faculty (UZH) or department (ETH) that you are registered in, since this varies depending on your affiliation.


What kind of information/documents do I need to submit in order to get my ZNZ certificate at the end of my PhD studies?

We need to have the following information:

  1. All your course certificates must be uploaded into your personal ZNZ OneDrive folder (ETH and Psychology students) or Student Admin, "course work" milestone (MNF students).
  2. The date of your defense
  3. The final (corrected and official) version of your thesis as a PDF or a link to the document.
  4. For MD PhD students and students in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences of UZH: An official document stating which courses are credited to your other program.