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Neuroscience Center Zurich

Open Positions

Ph.D. Opportunity: Exploring Memory Integration and Cognitive Functions, pub. 22.01.2025

We are seeking a candidate for a Ph.D. position aimed at advancing our understanding of how memories are interconnected and the mechanisms through which new information integrates with recently encoded memories. The goal is to elucidate the dynamic organization of memory throughout the lifespan, providing insights into fundamental cognitive functions. By investigating these processes, we aim to explore the broader implications for cognitive functions such as learning and decision-making.
Moreover, our research will examine how disruptions in these cognitive processes can increase susceptibility to neuropsychiatric disorders and contribute to maladaptive behaviors in animal models. Understanding these disruptions is essential for developing potential interventions and treatments for memory-related disorders.


  1. The successful candidate should hold a master’s degree in Neuroscience, Biology, Medicine, or a related field.
  2. The ideal candidate will possess solid theoretical knowledge and practical experience with optogenetics and/or Ca+ imaging methods, as well as virus injections.
  3. Experience in data analysis using Matlab, Python, or R is required.

Please submit your application including the following:

  1. A motivation letter with a maximum length of one page.
  2. A CV that includes details of education, research experience, language skills, and other skills relevant to the position.
  3. Contact details of two persons for references.
  4. A certified copy of your Master of Science diploma and transcript of records.

Keywords: calcium imaging, 2-photon imaging, optogenetics, chemogenetics, electrophysiology, circuit mapping, rodent behavior, computational modelling
Start Date: Latest by August 1, 2025
Work Location: Neurobehavioural Dynamics Lab, ETH-Zürich

Contact: Dr. Daria Peleg-Raibstein; Email:

Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in / Hilfswissenschaftler*in 80-100% in MRT-Studie, publ. 17.01.2025

Unsere Forschungsgruppe an der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik untersucht neue therapeutische Ansätze für Substanzkonsumstörungen unter Verwendung multimodaler Bildgebung und neuartiger pharmakologischer Ansätze.

In diesem Rahmen suchen wir eine Person, welche uns bei der Durchführung einer Pilotstudie (und potenziell bei weiteren nachfolgenden Studien) unterstützt. In dieser Pilotstudie werden Personen mit einer Alkoholabhängigkeit im MRT Scanner Bilder von alkoholischen Getränken gezeigt, um Hirnregionen zu identifizieren, welche beim Verlangen nach Alkohol involviert sind. Diese Daten dienen zur Vorbereitung einer grösseren Studie, welche neuartige Behandlungsansätze untersuchen wird, um Personen mit einer Alkoholabhängigkeit zu unterstützen.

Wir bieten:

  • Spannende und vielfältige Tätigkeit
  • Einblick in die Forschung zu neuartingen Behandlungsmethoden für Substanzkonsumstörungen
  • Enge Zusammenarbeit mit einem kollegialen Team
  • Lohn: Einstufung gem. Ausbildung/Vorerfahrung


  • MR qualifiziert / sehr erfahren in MR Messungen
  • Gute Deutschkenntnisse
  • Verfügbarkeit von 80 – 100%
  • Verfügbarkeit für mind. 2 Monate
  • Sofortiger Start (spätestens 1. Februar)

Von Vorteil:

  • Erfahrung in der Durchführung von klinischen/psychologischen Studien
  • Erfahrung im Umgang mit Patienten
  • Erfahrung mit REDCap


Keywords: fMRT, Neurofeedback Training, MRS, Alkoholabhängigkeit, Klinische Studie
Start Date: 15.01.2025
Work Location: MR Zentrum der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich, Lenggstrasse 31, 8008 Zürich

Contact: Bei Interesse freuen wir uns über eine kurze Motivations-Email (in Englisch) und den Lebenslauf (Deutsch oder Englisch) an:
Dr. Flora Moujaes
Dr. Patricia Dürler
Email Address:

Postdoc Position in Systems Neuroscience, publ. 09.01.2025

We are seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher in systems neuroscience to join the Grewe Lab at the Institute of Neuroinformatics (INI), ETH Zurich. This position focuses on exploring how actions and interactions with the environment shape neural representations and drive the formation of "world models" in the mouse prefrontal cortex. Using innovative behavioral paradigms combined with large-scale calcium imaging, you will contribute to uncovering the mechanisms by which the brain integrates sensory and motor signals to construct actionable representations.

We are looking for motivated and skilled individuals with a PhD, preferably in Systems or Computational Neuroscience, and experience with behavioral rodent models, ideally combined with calcium imaging. Strong data analysis, coding, and analytical skills are essential.

job advertisement (PDF, 407 KB)

Systems neuroscience, world models, neural representations, in vivo calcium imaging, behavioral paradigms, prefrontal cortex, neural circuits, sensory-motor integration, goal-directed behavior, computational modeling
Start Date: not fixed
Work Location: Institute of Neuroinformatics, ETH Zuerich

Benjmain Grewe:
Roman Boehringer:

PhD Position in Neuroscience, publ. 08.11.2024

The research group led by Xiaomin Zhang, an assistant professor funded by SNSF PRIMA, is seeking candidates for a Ph.D. position available from January 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The principal supervisor for this position will be Prof. Xiaomin Zhang (, and the formal supervisor will be Prof. Fritjof Helmchen (ttps:// The main objective of this project is to investigate how saliency enhances memory persistence in health and Alzheimer's disease mouse models.


  • Hold a master’s degree in a relevant field, such as Neuroscience, Biology, Medicine, Biomedicine, or Physics.
  • Demonstrates a curious and internally driven mindset.
  • Capable of working effectively in a team environment.
  • Has experience in electrophysiology, optogenetics, and virus injections.
  • Experience in data analysis using Matlab, Python or R.
  • Possessed excellent written and spoken English skills.

Job advertisement (PDF, 129 KB)

Please submit your application as a single pdf, including the following:

  1. A motivation letter of application, with a maximum length of one page.
  2. A CV that includes details of your education, research experience, language skills, other skills relevant for the position, and contact details of two persons for references.
  3. A certified copy of your original Master of Science diploma and transcript of records in the original language.

Start Date: January 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter
Work Location: University of Zurich, Brain Research Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
Contact: Name: Xiaomin Zhang,


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