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7th Annual Early-Career Researchers Symposium 2025
6 February 2025, Lausanne, Switzerland
Annual Meeting of the SSN
6-7 February 2025, Lausanne, Switzerland
LS2 Annual Meeting 2025
12-13 February 2025, Fribourg, Switzerland
The 4th European Stress Conference
16-18 March 2025, Insbruck, Austria
Biopôle Discovery Day 2025
25 March 2025
AdaBD 2025 - International Conference
"The Adaptive Brain: Development, Learning and Learning Disorders"
25-28 May 2025, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
LSZ Impact Conference 2025
26 May 2025, Technopark Zurich, Switzerland
Swiss 3Rs Day, 3Rs in Neuroscience
24 June 2025, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Symposium Epigenetic Inheritance
27-29 August 2025, ETH Zurich, Switzerland