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Neuroscience Center Zurich

Workshop 1

From neurons to networks: Advancing multimodal imaging for brain function studies
(Lecture Hall F7)

Leading researchers will discuss the latest advancements in imaging technologies for studying brain function. This will include innovative techniques in optoacoustic imaging and their potential applications in neuroscience, whole-brain coding of emotion states in mice using functional ultrasound imaging, and the development of PET tracers for neuroimaging from rodents to humans. Additionally, advancements in functional magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord, the potential of high-resolution MRI for in vivo histology, and cutting-edge techniques for capturing neuromagnetic fields from the brain and spinal cord with optically pumped magnetometers will be explored.

Introduction and moderation
Prof. Patrick Freund, Spinal Cord Injury Center, University Hospital Balgrist
Prof. Daniel Razansky, Institute for Biomedical Engineering, ETH/UZH


Advancing multimodal optoacoustic imaging for brain function studies
Dr. Zhenyue Chen, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, ETH/UZH


Whole-brain coding of emotion states in mice using functional ultrasound imaging
Dr. Bradley Edelman, Max-Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Martinsried

10:45–11:00 Development of PET tracers for neuroimaging: from rodents to humans
Dr. Linjing Mu, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH
11:00–11:15 Functional magnetic resonance imaging of the spinal cord
Dr. Gergely David, Spinal Cord Injury Center, Balgrist University Hospital & UZH

Towards in vivo histology using 7T MRI
Prof. Martina Callaghan, Department of Imaging Neuroscience, UCL


Imaging neuromagnetic fields from the brain and spinal cord with OPMs
Dr. Stephanie Mellor, Department of Imaging Neuroscience, UCL