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Neuroscience Center Zurich

Workshop 2

Epileptic Networks: From Basic Science to Clinics
(Lecture Hall F5)

This workshop focuses on the complex topic of epileptic networks and lies at the interface between basic sciences and their clinical implications. Starting from an understanding of epilepsy as a network disorder involving cortical and subcortical structures, we will address different aspects of epileptic network dysfunction. We will discuss epileptic brain networks in animal models, optogenetics, neuromodulation in humans and implications for brain imaging.

Introduction and moderation
PD Dr. Lukas Imbach, Swiss Epilepsy Center
PD Dr. Marian Galovic, Dep. of Neurology, USZ


Personalized virtual brain models in epilepsy
PD Dr. Lukas Imbach, Swiss Epilepsy Center


Modulation of epileptic brain networks in rodents by optogenetics
Prof. Denis Burdakov, Neurobehavioural Dynamics Lab, ETH


Long-term network effects of epilepsy in neuroimaging
PD Dr. Marian Galovic, Dept. of Neurology, USZ


Modulation of epileptic brain networks in humans by DBS
Giovanna Aiello, D-HEST, ETH

11:25–11:35 Modulation of epileptic brain networks in humans by anti-seizure medications

Robert Terziev, Dept. of Neurology, USZ